Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Star Trek Online Game The Best Weapons Guide

Like many things in Star Trek Online, the weapons of your ship can be highly personalized. You can not change your appearance or bond, but you can choose from a variety of different weapons and each has its good and bad sides.

Weapons of Star Trek falls into five categories: beam weapons, torpedoes, mines, guns and turrets. I'll try to clarify the differences of each, and give some advice on why some are better than others.

Beam Weapons

Radiological weapons can be either phase or materials. Phaser is commonly used by players of the Federation and most of them have a chance to disable your opponents ship subsystem, such as engines or screens for a short period. The substances commonly used by players of the Klingon faction and a second bonus, a chance to debuff your enemy in this case, he will receive extra damage for a short time. It is quite the player decide which ones to use. One important thing you should look for the choice of weapons beam that is to use his archery: some have very narrow arc of 45 degrees, known as double, while others have bows wider up to 250 degrees. If you use a slow ship as a cruiser you'll have a hard time against most opponents, so it is recommended to use weapons with beam arcs of 250 degrees.


Torpedoes are powerful weapons that deal heavy damage, while opponents of the shields are down. They come in different types of damage, such as quantum torpedoes, photon torpedoes, and many others. They move slowly, so it is important when it is correct, and, preferably, should hit the targets shields are depleted at the time, otherwise you could download, or quickly turn the other side of the ship towards you. Even heavy plasma torpedoes that move even slower than usual for them. They are dealing with an enormous amount of damage through the bone, but the enemy can target and destroy them before they reach the ship.


The mines are generally used at the sites of weapons back in action fast and easy to operate escort vessels that are still trying to attack from behind. With the right skills, mines can be very effective.


Tower, a lot of damage really small, but their side and they are constantly shooting in any direction. Players usually equipped with a weapon that the rear exit and try to face their opponents in heavy weaponry. Although the damage of turrets is nowhere near compared to other weapons, because they are constantly cited in 360-degree arc of fire, and can be helpful.


The weapons are the most powerful shields run out, but can not be used to escort ships. If you ride a cruiser or a science building will not be able to use firearms, but can be master of a vessel escort, even if you choose another class. In general, players use guns guns guns forward sites and the use of two with an arc of 45 degrees, and cook the most damage. You can drain your enemies shields very quickly in this case, a few torpedoes quickly in case of elimination.

Cannon, beam turrets and guns also come with different types of damage: Tetryon, plasma and various others. My personal choice of weapons are plasma based, at least for now. Masters of vessels and science Cruiser is likely to want to go with arms arched narrow beam width, while the captains of ships escort should always use firearms. It is quite the player to choose what weapons to use. There are no rules for the use of weapons and many different combinations work together well so do not be afraid to experiment.

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